Extra contributions

Jean Nouvel about Tiziana Redavid


Il Giro del Mondo in 80 giorni

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Marco Polo and China through the eyes of children

Manifesto definitivo-1

Children have been involved to some one-week workshop organized from Monday 23rd to Sunday 29th of May, 2011 by Tiziana Redavid for the Fondazione Bottari Lattes.
Workshops taught children to create fantastic worlds from simple recycled materials such as wood and cardboard. In this way they will understand that ‘only doing their thoughts, through the medium most congenial to them, they can change with their small contribution the society in which they live’ (Tiziana Redavid).


Fondazione Bottari Lattes

extra contributions 3 lattes foto con caterina

extra contributions 3 lattes logo fondazione

Since 2009, Tiziana Redavid is part of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Bottari Lattes which has as main purpose the promotion of culture and art.